As a marriage celebrant and wedding DJ, I obviously hear a lot of engagement stories. The thing about is engagements is if you’re the one proposing, you’ll move heaven and Earth to get everything right - the ring, the time, the place, the words, planning it down to the finest detail. And it’s all done in service of creating a perfect memory that never fades, a moment to share forever and a story to tell your kids.
But the best engagement stories are almost always the result of best laid plans going sideways, or spontaneous moments where someone realised the time to pop the question was now, regardless of whatever plans had already been hatched.
I’ve heard some awesome engagement stories, but Meg and Josh’s from January 2021 still makes me laugh the hardest whenever I think about it, so here’s an excerpt from that part of their ceremony:
So our happy couple are on a walk with Nancy. If you’re wondering who that is, it’s their dog, who they named Nancy. At this stage Josh has already triggered Meg’s suspicions, but she didn’t expect the proposal just yet. Nancy, being a dog, wanders off into the bush and Meg turns to make chase. Our hero, sensing his moment, calls her back toward him. As she turns, she sees her man, her number one guy and the love of her life, down on one knee, looking at her with focused intent and a small box in his hand, a hand which almost certainly contains a ring. From his other hand dangles a small yellow bag which almost certainly contains dog poo. Without hesitation, he utters those fateful words: “will you marry me?”
Meg answers his question with a question of her own - “with a bag of Nancy’s poo in your hand?”
Josh drops the bag of poo, leaving Meg with nowhere to turn. He asks again, “now?”
Spoiler alert, she said yes.
Honestly, you couldn’t have scripted it if you tried.